Solve Your SharePoint Storage Problems Before They Start

April 6, 2012

SharePoint is the most highly adopted and used collaborative content platform in the US and it is beginning to see a rise in the world market. With this comes a higher demand on SharePoint storage and, of course, the start of problems. IT Business Edge caught wind of  this trend and wrote about “Five SharePoint Storage Performance Killers and How to Fix Them” with the help of Quest Software.

“Rapid user adoption is positive for any organization leveraging SharePoint for content collaboration and version control. As user adoption increases, however, so does the amount of data that must be stored in SharePoint. Content overload can wreak havoc on SharePoint infrastructure, and can become a leading cause of poor performance – not to mention the corresponding management headaches. For example, as the amount of content steadily increases, so does the need to scale database capacity and SQL Server processing power to ensure that performance matches user demand. When this happens, organizations face a dilemma: cope with poor SharePoint performance, or bite the bullet and buy additional SQL storage space and computing power to catch up with demand.”

The article format is very interesting, you scroll through a slideshow of pictures with a description of the problems and how to resolve them. Or so you would think. The pictures are from free-image farms and hardly inspirational. While the problems are identified, only a couple offer tips on how to fix them. The majority of the information simply explains the problem; after reading it you get a “duh” feeling from already knowing the content.

Despite the poor presentation, data storage problems are an issue and I’ll see what I can find that addresses them better. In the meantime, while you have all that content to search through, you will be able to find your information quicker with solidly engineeded methods. Search Technologies offers engineering and consulting services which support search and general purpose SharePoint use cases. To learn more, navigate to

Iain Fletcher, April 6, 2012

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One Response to “Solve Your SharePoint Storage Problems Before They Start”

  1. Solve Your SharePoint Storage Problems Before They Start … | Mastering Sharepoint on April 6th, 2012 8:35 pm

    […] user adoption is positive for any organization leveraging … … Read the original post: Solve Your SharePoint Storage Problems Before They Start … ← Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint […]

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