Breaking Down SharePoint

April 26, 2012

Tim Anderson breaks down the nuts and bolts of SharePoint, what it is and what it is not, in “Making Sense of SharePoint 2010.”  Anderson gives an overview:

Microsoft calls SharePoint a ‘business collaboration platform,’ a suitably vague description for a multi-faceted product. SharePoint can be a content management system for an internal or external website, a document management system, a business search portal, and more.  So what is SharePoint really? Technically, it is an ASP.NET application which runs on Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft’s web server, and which stores most of its data in a SQL Server database. Conceptually, it is the outcome of Microsoft’s efforts over many years to create a web storage system, a document repository accessible via a web browser.

SharePoint has become ubiquitous, and almost obligatory, yet little writing is dedicated to what SharePoint is at its heart.  Instead, much talk is devoted to customization options. But if we see it for what it is, perhaps we can also recognize that there are other options.  There are alternatives to installing an overwhelming SharePoint infrastructure and then spending countless resources on customization processes.

Check out Fabasoft Mindbreeze for instance.  The Mindbreeze solutions are more than search, extending into mobile, web site, and enterprise realms.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise understands you, or to be more precise, understands what the most important information is for you at any precise moment in time. It is the center of excellence for your knowledge and simultaneously your personal assistant for all questions. The information pairing technology brings enterprise and Cloud data together.

Perhaps most valuable, Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that all of their solutions work alone, or as a compliment to an existing SharePoint infrastructure.  Mix and match Mindbreeze offerings to get the customization your organization wants without all the headaches and extra work.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 26, 2012

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