One Plus One Equal a Winner
May 1, 2012
I read “Wall Street Journal remains No. 1 US newspaper.” Here’s the link but it will go dark. I won’t quote from the story. The addled goose does not need a “real” journalistic outfit chasing him for sandwiches. The big idea is that the Wall Street Journal is the top dog in US newspaperdom. Left in the dust are the New York Times and USA Today, both fine publications.
I then read “News Corp. Contrite In Wake Of Scathing Report.” I assume that the top dog of News Corp, which owns the Wall Street Journal, is the number one leader of newspaper publishing. The write up contains this statement:
“Hard truths have emerged from the [UK] Select Committee Report: that there was serious wrongdoing at the News of the World; that our response to the wrongdoing was too slow and too defensive; and that some of our employees misled the Select Committee in 2009,” it stated. The company has cited the work of its internal Management and Standards Committee, which has turned over voluminous email exchanges and other records in an effort to show authorities in the U.K. and the U.S. that it has changed its behavior and is being cooperative.
So top US newspaper and its top dog are cooperative. Does one plus one equal winning? Makes sense to me.
Stephen E Arnold, May 1, 2012
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