SharePoint Sites Offers Customized Solutions

May 2, 2012

Perhaps one of the more useful aspects of SharePoint 2010 is the Sites feature, allowing customization of numerous sites based on included templates.  Jennifer Mason of CMS Wire explores in, “SharePoint 2010 Sites: One Infrastructure for All Your Business Web Sites.”

Sites are one of the most powerful components within SharePoint. In fact, they are the foundation for many of the different solutions that can be built within SharePoint. By using Sites we can quickly build many different focused solutions, including items like:

Team Collaboration Areas

Corporate Intranets

Public Websites


Database Tracking Solutions (Access Templates)

The solution is essentially one of convenience, as the templates themselves are not touted as anything beyond ordinary.  Users often remark on SharePoint’s ability to keep them on the one platform, looking internally to SharePoint for all of their information needs.

We propose Fabasoft Mindbreeze as a smart third party solution and compliment to an existing SharePoint infrastructure.  While a web site is relatively easy to create, endowing that web site with a smart and efficient search feature is much harder.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite provides unrivaled searchability for your public facing web sites.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite…

  • is intuitive and user friendly.
  • is instantly ready for use as a Cloud service. It turns your website into a user-friendly knowledge portal for your customers.
  • recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise “finding experiences”.
  • is the perfect website search for your company.

No installation, configuration or maintenance required.

So if your organization is looking for a way to take your public web sites to the next level, improving user satisfaction, consider adding Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 2, 2012

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