Stunning Statistics about Amazon Cloud Reach
May 9, 2012
Wired’s Robert McMillan recently reported on an oddly scary statistic in the article “Amazon’s Secretive Cloud Carries 1 Percent of the Internet.”
According to the start-up DeepField Networks, Amazon has one of the fastest growing cloud infrastructures. Apparently, one-third of the several million users in the study visited a website that uses Amazon’s infrastructure each day. It is also very popular with many big name companies like Netflix. However, no one really knows exactly how big Amazon’s cloud is.
McMillan states:
“Gartner researcher Lydia Leong estimates that Amazon’s cloud business was $1 billion in 2011, more than five times the size of its closest competitor, Rackspace. Last week Rackspace Chief Technology Officer John Engates was happy to tell us how many servers he has in his data centers: 80,000. But only 23 percent ($189 million) of Rackspace’s 2011 business was in the cloud. That implies that Rackspace could do the same amount of cloud business as Amazon with maybe 100,000 servers.”
It appears that Amazon’s business as slowly been growing faster than we ever realized. Maybe Google and Facebook should stop fighting each other and start paying attention to other threats.
Jasmine Ashton, May 9, 2012
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