Amazon CFO Cannot Help Some Folks

May 13, 2012

Amazon seems to be losing control of costs, but the CFO proves to be a clever soul.

In an article on TechCrunch, “Amazon CFO Dodges Questions on Antitrust, Patents, Kindle Plans,” Amazon’s first quarter earnings call of the year and CFO Tom Szkutak’s vague answers were discussed. Apparently executives at Amazon are not giving anything away, including sales numbers for Kindle devices or plans to purchase patents. The article states:

“For example, when someone asked him about how the recent antitrust case against Apple and publishers might change the pricing model for e-books, Szkutak said, ‘Yeah, there’s not a lot I can help you with there.’ Then he repeated Amazon’s company line on the case, ‘We do think that the suit was big win for Kindle owners. We look forward to being allowed to lower prices for more Kindle books.’”

Although this pattern of not releasing information at earnings calls is fairly common, the complete lack of responses from the CFO is intriguing. It makes us wonder what Amazon is hiding instead of what Amazon may be working on.

Andrea Hayden, May 13, 2012

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