Forbes: Google and Facebook Will Be Obsolete in Five Years. Really?

May 14, 2012

When researching the impact of web tycoons like Google and Facebook, every once in a while you come across an article that’s so out of left field that it bears mentioning. Forbes contributor, Eric Jackson’s article “Here’s Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years,” is an excellent example of one of these stories.

According to the article, with the rate of technological progression, tech companies that have dominated in the web 1.0 and 2.0 eras have historically been unable to adapt to the changes that come with the new generation of social and mobile technology.

Jackson writes:

“[Facebook and Google] will have all the money in the world to try and adapt to the shift to mobile but history suggests they won’t be able to successfully do it.  I often hear Google bulls point to the market share of Android or Eric Schmidt’s hypothesis that Google could one day charge all Android subscribers $10 a month for value-added services as proof of future profits.  Yet, where are all the great social success stories by Web 1.0 companies? I imagine we’ll see as many great examples of social companies jumping horses mid-race to become great mobile companies.”

While Jackson brings up some excellent points, he forgets the fact that Google and Facebook have already made the leap from social to mobile and are continuing to adapt.

Jasmine Ashton, May 14, 2012

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One Response to “Forbes: Google and Facebook Will Be Obsolete in Five Years. Really?”

  1. Free-Pr-Online submit your press release here go social on June 5th, 2012 12:18 pm

    […] Forbes: Google and Facebook Will Be Obsolete in Five Years. Really?( […]

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