Ark, Search and Social Network for a Cause?

June 1, 2012

There’s a new kid on the social network block, and ARK is promoting social engineering for a cause. The interview A Powerful New Social Network for Social Change gives us a look at the site via the eyes of the man who initiated the concept.

Founder of Ark Don McChesney tries to provide insight into the future of this new social networking site and his feelings on what it is about:

“We see ourselves as the dominant social network for giving to causes on the Internet. Your Ark profile will be the best representation of what you care about in the world. But perhaps most importantly, we see a huge volume of funding being generated by Ark for causes that are currently desperate for the resources they need to accomplish their goals. Naturally, we look forward to seeing many more of those important missions fulfilled and the world becoming a better place as a result of our users’ efforts.”

What happens when a parent search system blocks a federating system’s queries? Anyone remember, the French meta-search system. It was a killer and then ran into friction. The ARK concept is nice but it’s not completely off the ground yet. Social networking is all about hype, social engineering and marketing. We’ll have to wait till the buzz dies down to see some actual results.

Jennifer Shockley, June 1, 2012

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