Trampoline Systems Pivoted to Social Analytics. Did It Get Dizzy?

June 1, 2012

According to Charles Armstrong, the CEO of Trampoline Systems, their company’s journey has not always been easy. They jumped into the business of network analysis technology about five years to early during a time of global economic struggles and faced some investment problems.

Facing the challenges head on, they created their own form of venture financing and ended up being the first company in the world to raise money via equity crowd funding. Now, the fruits of their labor have ripened and their moving right along with the times.

They describe their specialty on their website as;

“Trampoline Systems is an award-winning specialist in social analytic software. The company’s SONAR technology analyses business communications to map internal collaborations analyze external relationships and report on critical performance factors. Dedicated solutions are available for sales force optimization, internal reorganizations and expertise search.”

“The company grew out of Charles’ ethnographic research into social behavior underlying efficient collaboration, which saw him spend three years living in small island communities.”

“SONAR Framework provides a flexible range of modules for data aggregation, analysis, visualization and reporting.”

Charles Armstrong basically runs the show. However, Craig McMillan, CTO is the mastermind behind their technology. He is responsible for creating the overall system architecture and development of the core analytic algorithms. Their award winning Software Company gained recognition and made an impact, which has pivoted Trampoline Systems into the social analytic industry. The company has been quiet. Did the pivot disorient management and customers?

Jennifer Shockley, June 1, 2012

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