A Serenade for Social Web by Spindle

June 9, 2012

The Social Web’s being serenaded again, but this song has a different beat. Spindle croons a tale of exploration and discovery with a realistic element according to, Announcing Spindle. Their company mission is simple; they want to make social content more discoverable.

Spindle freely acknowledges the web is vast and stated:

“We believe that we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible via the social web and that discovery needs to be reimagined from the ground up. Location, device, time of day, the structure of the physical world, the social graph, and your interests can uncover better content than keywords. At Spindle, we’re building the discovery engine for the social web.”

When information is delivered only via a specific group or source, one might miss something pertinent. Regardless of how informative and insightful your group of friends, something more logical might be just outside your circle. Spindle realizes that and is developing a way to change how you discover information and relate to the people, organizations and places all around you.

The competition for the perfect web tool has been growing strong. Until now, most the players have sang the same old song with variations in the beat. Spindle’s new tune has a catchy jingle that sticks in the mind. The new search system spotlight just may be shining on them, as they continue to serenade the social web.

Jennifer Shockley, June 9, 2012


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