On Analytic Innovation: A Bold Assertion

June 13, 2012

The model of data management that relies solely on enterprise data warehouses (EDW) is on the way out. So proclaims Shawn Rogers at Inside Analysis in “A Wave of Analytic Innovation.” He writes that for the last twenty years:

“The EDW has played a critical role in how we serve our businesses with information and, for most of us, has proven to be an excellent investment. Early on, the EDW did an excellent job of serving the needs of business intelligence professionals, but was often challenged to maintain pace with how information use was evolving.

“Today, the EDW is under pressure from forces that were not present as recently as five years ago. These changes don’t spell the end of the EDW era, but certainly indicate that the ecosystem will expand to include new technologies and systems. Most companies are stepping away from an EDW-only ecosystem and moving toward a hybrid data ecosystem.”

Rogers lists the four factors he says are driving the change: a maturing user community; new technology; economics; and (I’d think most importantly) the proliferation of unstructured data. The new choice for many firms has become what the article terms hybrid data ecosystems. Data integration poses a particular challenge for these projects.

The write up is worth checking out. Rogers details the points I’ve outlined above, as well as providing a list of best practices for organizations looking to adopt a hybrid data ecosystem.

Our view is that as computational capacity goes up, more analytic methods become possible. Much of the “new” analytics is actually “old” methods which are now feasible. There is lots of “new” math to implement. So “new” may not be really “new.” Got that?

Cynthia Murrell, June 13, 2012

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