Traditional Approaches to Data Management No Longer Relevant

June 22, 2012

For decades now only the largest, most affluent companies in a handful of industries had access to product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions.  That has slowly been changing, though, with advances in technology including cloud technology.  A recent Ten Links article, “IMAGINiT Earns Autodesk PLM 360 Specialization”, announces that Autodesk PLM 360 has joined with Rand Worldwide to offer non-traditional PLM solutions, hopefully hitting a greater audience.

The article explains the goal of the union:

Traditional PLM solutions have been cumbersome, and have required expensive customization and implementation phases. Autodesk’s cloud-based PLM 360 solution creates a highly flexible platform that eliminates the challenges associated with IT infrastructure and hardware requirements.

Other companies are also pursuing non-traditional approaches to PLM.  At the root of any PLM solutions is data management.  Inforbix, a respected leader in the PLM solutions industry, focuses on new data management solutions when creating their software.  They strive to help their customers find, reuse and share product data believing that at the heart of any PLM solution should liberate a company’s data without breaking the bank.  As more companies realize the potential of PLM we expect leaders like Inforbix to increase in popularity and others to realize the benefit in thinking outside the box.

Catherine Lamsfuss, June 22, 2012


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