Government Generated Open Source Software

June 24, 2012

The push for transparent government has resulted in an interesting side effect. announces, “Welcome to the Open Government Platform: Releases Open Source Software.” This software was built by government for government. partnered with India’s National Informatics Centre to create the platform (interesting), and any national, state, or local governing entity can download the Open Government Platform (OGPL) in the pursuit of providing data to its citizens. Non-government developers are able to play with it, too. The announcement states:

“Based on Drupal, the core software includes a data management system, web site, and social networking community support. This full package, in early release, is now available for public download, comments, and open source development. . . . In using an open source method of development, the OGPL community will provide future technology enhancements, open government solutions, and community-based technical support. OGPL exemplifies a new era of diplomatic collaboration that benefits the global community by promoting government transparency and increasing citizen engagement.”

Sounds like a move in the right direction. This transparent government thing is picking up speed; as of the posting of the write up, thirty other national governments and a number of US states and localities have launched their own open government sites.

Cynthia Murrell, June 24, 2012

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