Microsoft and Mobile Device Optimization

July 2, 2012

The word of today is optimize, and Microsoft is once again scoring at the top of the technology class. The article, ‘Microsearch Announces Mobile Device Optimization Features for its Hosted Search and Retrieval Services’ at explains how Microsoft’s new mobile device optimization can benefit online publishers of electronic documents that want to take their classes from home, so to speak.

Microsoft just created a cover all cheat sheet to pass any test:

“As most mobile device users know, some mobile devices simply will not accept long documents when the device is in wireless mode. And when they do, download times can feel long for the user, and bandwidth use can be expensive. Our new Publishers Services are totally optimized for mobile device users, saving time and money.”

“Our new document search & retrieval optimizations are compatible with all contemporary wireless devices, as well as wired computers. Users can set their own device download preferences on the go.”

Even taking notes is easier. Microsoft offers a sticky note feature which allows researchers to add page content on their screen that will remain when they return to the pages. Locating and viewing information in long documents will now be faster, easier and cheaper for mobile device users. Owners of online content will be able to score higher by appealing to wireless scholars using laptops, tablets and other mobile devices. Microsoft’s mobile device optimization just won the title of class Valedictorian.

Jennifer Shockley, July 2, 2012

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