Chrome to Displace Windows: Bold Assertion

July 3, 2012

If this is true, it is a very big deal. Business Insider declares that “Google Is Pushing Enterprises to Ditch Windows and Try Chrome OS.” Can you imagine the upheaval? I suppose it would be a good day for out-of-work IT pros.

Actually, even Google‘s Chrome leader Sundar Pichai realizes the takeover would be a gradual thing. Over the next six months, he has said, his company will be working hard to convince us that their cloud-focused OS is the way to go. He understands that complete domination may take a few years. The Chromebook is not the only option, either. The few folks who still prefer a desktop could turn to the recently released Chromebox.

Apparently, apps adoption is the key to the kingdom. The article reveals:

“Pichai believes that all of the companies that chose Google Apps over Microsoft Office could be talked into getting rid of their PCs altogether. ‘The thing that will seed the market for us is Google Apps,’ the Google VP said to a crowd at GigaOM Structure conference Wednesday in San Francisco. Google Apps is growing like crazy at ‘triple-digit-percentage’ rates Pichai said.”

Writer Julie Bort points out that it is hard to tell exactly how many apps that “triple-digit-percentage” represents. However, indications are that it is a significant number. Companies are already transitioning from their PCs to the cloud, and usually let employees chose their own thin-client devices. The question is, which OS will dominate the shift?

Cynthia Murrell, Juuly 3, 2012

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