The Effects of Color Correlations

July 3, 2012

The education methods Web site published the 2003 lengthy research study “Colour Assignment” based on Faber Birren’s research about color associations and how his findings compare to other studies.

When discussing the emotional connections that people make to color through language, the article gives examples of “seeing the world through rose tinted glasses” or being “green with envy.”  in addition to this, a survey asked for 500 participants to correlate colors with words that aren’t already inherently linked to a specific color. The words included: trust, security, speed, and high technology.

When looking at the color associated with the word trust, the survey found:

“The color blue gathered the most results from the participants. Birren correlated the color blue to the emotional feeling of sadness or depression (Color Psychology and Color Therapy, 170). This came about, Birren continues, because the color blue once referred to the insane, then expanded to symbolize mental depression in a general sense. A correlation between sadness and trust couldn’t be found, therefore, for the purposes of this study, this represents the first contradiction between published research and this survey.”

This was an interesting study on color correlations but not the most relevant to search.

Jasmine Ashton, July 3, 2012

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