Google Plus Can Be What You Want to Make It

July 4, 2012

Many people see Google+ as a ghost town, and that may be the case in their circles. However, some companies are turning things around. The article “A Case Study in Private Google Engagement” shares the information that employees at companies such as Distilled can avoid the trickiness of circles and multiple accounts by using Google Apps and sharing with an organization as opposed to circles.

This feature allows Google+ to be used as an internal communication tool to augment email. Distilled is a great case study. With three offices in different time zones, Distilled still wants to maintain a connected culture and Google+ provides the space to share memes and positive interactions and engagement.

In the article referenced above, Tom Critchlow states:

“I’m going to admit that the first few days were a little bit of a nightmare – everyone has (at least) two Google+ accounts tied to various personal and professional identities and so we had to get everyone in the right circles etc. Once that’s set up however it works like a charm.”

At Distilled, employees refer to the app as D+. Clearly it has caught on. We are happy to see the plus sized batch of lemons Google delivered turned into lemonade.

Megan Feil, July 4, 2012

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