Entertainment Needs and Personality Drive Facebook Visits

July 5, 2012

A study published earlier this month in the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media suggests that time spent on Facebook correlates strongly to personality type.

Motivations behind frequent visits may vary, but the study shows that much of what causes people to flock to the site can be traced back to personality and a simple need to be entertained. A recent article on WebProNews titled, “New Facebook Study Reveals Motivation Behind Facebook Visits,” elaborates on the study, commenting on possible motivational factors of participants. We learn in the article:

“Looking at motivational factors that could encourage individuals to spend time on Facebook, the researchers found that entertainment and passing time, along with information seeking, to be the top driving forces for visiting the social site. […]

While self expression was mentioned in the study a possible factor for visiting Facebook, limitations of the design kept the authors from formulating any theories on how it actually played into the time spent.”

Although many Facebook frequenters, like myself, may claim the attraction to the site is maintaining and building relationships, this simply does not prove to be true. The entertainment motive is repeatedly shown to be the most powerful predictor of how much time users spend on the social media site.

Andrea Hayden, July 5, 2012

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