Facebook and Delicate Editing

July 5, 2012

Facebook’s cover was recently opened and some un-pleasantries were discovered within the multi-million dollar companies own pages. The Chief Operating Officer stepped in, according to the Business Insiders article ‘How Sheryl Sandberg Stamped Out Sexism At Facebook’ and swiftly edited the inappropriate faces inside Facebook.

Sheryl Sandberg met individually with the female engineers at Facebook, of which there were only around 15 within the hundreds of engineers. She learned through her interviews that these educated women were facing some discrimination inside the company from the men and discreetly took action to remedy the situations.

One of the engineers cited two examples of sexist behavior as:

“One of the senior managers had been known to proposition women in the company. I also had an issue with an engineer who behaved, by turns, dismissively or aggressively toward female product managers.”

Sandburg discreetly resolved the issues and stated:

“The manager who propositioned employees has been demoted and the aggressive engineer was moved to another team. You see, I’m so good that I make things happen and no one even knows about them.”

Situations like the ones mentioned can swiftly get out of hand if not handled correctly. Facebook’s COO dealt with existing problems to the satisfaction of disgruntled employees, while managing to keep publicity minimal. Sandburg presented an excellent example of professional management skills when she discreetly edited the sexist pages of Facebook.

Jennifer Shockley, July 5, 2012

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