World Wide Web Not Quite World Wide Yet

July 8, 2012

I was just pointed to an article in which a current Google Exec warns us that many of the world’s population are missing out on the advantages brought by the Internet.

Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt said that less than a third of the world’s population has Internet access and believes that the benefits of connectivity that are brought on by technology is lost on far too many global citizens. In an article on, “Google Exec: Technology Wave Leaving Many Behind,” we learn about Schmidt’s recent conference in Israel, his thoughts on the current limitations of the Internet, and his optimistic views on the spread of technology. The article states:

“‘All of us are blessed with a capacity for innovation [and] connectivity will help unlock that potential,’ [Schmidt] said. He pointed to the Internet’s ever-widening reach and its educational potential, citing the Khan Academy’s 3,000 video lessons on YouTube. The Khan Academy, which receives funding from Google, is a nonprofit organization that offers free online lectures in subjects ranging from physics to American history and algebra.”

Perhaps this means Google realizes that its market is not “Googley” and, therefore, is more easily shaped with filtering, predictive outputs, and selective relevance?

Andrea Hayden, July 8, 2012

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