The Ups and Downs of Cloud Technology

July 9, 2012

One of the greatest inventions of the last decade was the cloud.  It has enabled countless numbers of companies access to software and services that traditionally have been unattainable due to cost.  But even the cloud has a downside as the article, “Cloud Computing: Companies Worry about Unexpected Costs and Fees”, on the Formtek Blog examines.  According to the article unexpected fees due to misuse and misunderstanding of cloud based software can be a real detriment to companies.

The article goes on to mention another possible problem facing companies adopting cloud software:

“The ease of getting started with cloud computing is also prompting many departments and groups to by-pass IT. But one problem with departments making an endrun is that, without central coordination of all computing activities, these organizations often will face higher overall costs because of duplication of services across different departments and the loss of volume discounting that may have been negotiated if all activities had been centrally coordinated.”

When it comes to product lifecycle management (PLM) software the cloud has been a true blessing.  Suddenly small and midsized businesses are able to utilize time and money saving solutions that were reserved for only the most lucrative of businesses. We couldn’t agree more with the article’s assessment of the disconnect between departments when cloud software is mismanaged.  For that reason we recommend Inforbix to companies seeking a cloud based PLM solution. As their Website explains,

“Inforbix helps you find, reuse, and share CAD files in your company no matter where they are located. Because Inforbix uses cloud technology, it takes no special skills or training to deploy and use.”

With their dedication to customer training and ongoing support Inforbix can help companies maximize the cloud without costly complications like the ones discussed in the article.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 9, 2012



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