Manufacturers Want Cost Control First and Foremost

July 18, 2012

Manufacturers have been hit hard by the economical shortcomings of nations around the world.  What they are left with is less money to meet higher expectations from their customers.  A recent DC Velocity article, “Cost control Remains the Top Supply Chain Goal for Manufacturers”, reveals where manufacturers priorities lay according to a recent survey.

As the article explains,

“In a report titled “Business Strategy: 2012 Supply Chain Survey-Manufacturing Priorities and New Technology Adoption,” IDC found that the number two goal was striving for agility in their supply chains. The third objective was product quality and safety, cited by 52 percent of survey takers. Survey respondents also said that “big data analysis” was the new technology that was most relevant to their business. “Big data analysis” involves the use of sophisticated software to sift through large amounts of disparate information to find connections or patterns.”

These results are not atypical from what product lifecycle management (PLM) solution providers report.  Through a well-constructed PLM solution manufacturers are able to streamline processes, keep quality high while lowering costs and integrate data management solutions.  One of our favorite PLM providers is Inforbix because they understand that at the heart of any PLM solution is data management. Their offerings focus on new data management solutions which pave the way for PLM victory.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 18, 2012


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