The Codex of PLM Openness Gains another Provider

July 24, 2012

As the manufacturing industry is becoming less dependent on national borders the need for companies and providers to work together is growing.  One initiative to help that happen is the Codex of PLM Openness.  The Virtual Strategy article, “Trubiquity Joins the Codex of PLM Openness Initiative”, explains how another PLM provider has joined the initiative.

The article explains both the Codex itself and Trubiquity’s decision to join:

“The Codex of PLM Openness is a program of the ProSTEP iViP organization designed to provide a common understanding on openness of information technology (IT) systems in the context of PLM. This joint effort involved IT providers, integrators and customers and has defined measurable criteria that provides a clear position with regard to PLM Openness. Trubiquity joined the voluntary CPO as a self commitment to continue offering highly integrative solutions for PLM driven supply chain managed file transfer (MFT) and collaboration.”

PLM solutions used to be relegated to only the top manufacturers in the world but with the advances in technology (especially cloud) in the last few years PLM solutions have become affordable for even the smallest of enterprises.  Providers who understand that many companies adopting PLM solutions are new to marketplace focus on customer support and training to ensure that solutions are utilized to their maximum.  Openness begins with the relationship between customer and provider.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 24, 2012


One Response to “The Codex of PLM Openness Gains another Provider”

  1. Tomas Paolino on July 27th, 2012 6:38 pm

    hey buddy, this can be a really intriguing post

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