PTC Acquires SLM Winner for Broader Coverage of Service
August 13, 2012
There has been a renewed interest in customer service of late across many industries leading to an increase in data management solutions targeting the service oriented aspects of enterprises. The latest proof that this is the direction companies are shifting their priorities is PTC’s acquisition of Atlanta based Servigistics, a profitable provider of software which manages service contracts and the like, according to the recent Boston Business Journal article, “PTC to acquire service management firm Servigistics for $220M”.
PTC president and CEO, Jim Heppelmann, was quoted as saying,
“Over the past few years, Servigistics has earned a reputation for innovation in helping companies maximize their global service businesses through increased profitability, cash flow, and customer loyalty. Their customers are at the leading edge of a global trend to take service from a cost center to a profit center, and SLM technology has been a critical driver. This acquisition should make clear just how serious PTC is about helping its customers achieve lasting service advantage.”
Heppelmann couldn’t be more correct in his assessment of Servigistics which has allowed for their impressive success. Product lifecycle management (PLM) as PTC offers and Service lifecycle management (SLM) as Servigistics offers, is no longer just about making life easier for engineers and IT team members. There is a growing understanding that industries across the board need new data management solutions to cut costs and raise revenues. Smart PLM providers are cashing in on the opportunity.
Catherine Lamsfuss, August 8, 2012
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