Digimind Provides Insights Regarding Customer Experience

October 11, 2012

Digimind, a competitive intelligence software provider, has a lot to offer in the field of information management and analysis. This is why when we stumbled upon this, “Q&A With Yann Guilain, Customer Care Director At Digimind” we thought it could be useful to our readers looking for some best practices in customer experience.

Despite having to juggle a variety of different elements and challenges in order to keep customers happy, Guilian’s ten years of experience in the field have provided him with some best practices concerning how to make a project successful.

Guilian states:

“I have so much to say on this point! If I could only keep one single  point, I’d have to say that the most important is “hunt down added value”.  What I mean by this is that you have to focus a maximum of effort into deliverables, CI watches, subjects, analysis that will bring added value to key decision makers.  Everything about the way we organise a CI project, all our efforts can then be focused on this objective, once it has been well-identified.  At the end of the day, there’s only one question that counts: “What’s it for?”

Digimind has built its reputation by instilling trust in its customers. By investing in predictive analytics tools and other search solutions, businesses can gain valuable insights from their data and better serve the needs of their clients.

Jasmine Ashton, October 11, 2012

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