Perfect Timing for PolySpot to Deliver Innovative Enterprise Information Solutions

November 6, 2012

There is no doubt that we all have our ears full of information about mobile. However, we could probably say the same for big data. The author of “Joining The ‘Big Data’ Revolution” published on 4Ps Marketing asserts that 2012 has been the year of big data, above anything else.

Big data was highlighted in two notable ways this year, according to the article. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland the top topic was none other than big data. To further add to it’s significance, a report, “Big Data, Big Impact,” posited that data is a akin to money.

We learned from the article:

More data does not necessarily mean better data, and it certainly does not mean guaranteed marketing strategy performance. Big data has unlocked a lot of potential, but it has also created new marketing and analyst roles. These are the people our industry will need if  big data is to make a big difference to marketers. This is especially true for digital strategies, as they already rely so heavily on data.

Recent focus in the arena of big data seems centered around the creation of new roles and finding new talent to fill these gaps formerly unknown as gaps. Luckily, technology is already leap years ahead with what we have seen from companies such as PolySpot. They have already brought innovative enterprise information delivery solutions to the table.

Megan Feil, November 6, 2012

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