Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite for an Intuitive Web Site Search

November 7, 2012

Ensuring that Web site users find the right content on a site the first time is an imperative way to gain and retain site visitors and customers. Mindbreeze InSite makes it easy to know customers are finding what they need. In “Mindbreeze InSite: The First Steps,” Iris Fallmann explains the simple process of setting up InSite on your site.

With no install required, it only takes a few minutes to tailor the search solution to fit your needs. The first step is to register, which simply requires a name, email address, and the URL of the site to be indexed. You’ll receive a demo page to try the search and find feature. Fallman explains how to then create views:

You can create search tabs quickly and easily on your demo page. In the first tab the results from all data are displayed. To refine the search, just enter the searched word into the search field. All the results are displayed. If these results should now be displayed in a separate tab, you just have to click on the ‘plus’ symbol next to the existing search tab, enter a name for the new tab and click on ‘add search tab.’

When a tab is added, all the results for the topic are then displayed under the search tab and a new search only searches in restricted data. The friendly user interface makes it simple to get up and running. Setting up, facets, information pairing, and embedding InSite are also explained in the brief how-to. It may be worth it to check out the 28 day free trial offer.

Philip West, November 7, 2012

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