Innovative Information Delivery Technologies Separate Slow Companies from Extraordinary Ones

November 12, 2012

The rise of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the 1990s set the world on fire with new innovations and an ensuing economic boost. Now, former Dun & Bradstreet CIO Walt Hauck tells CIO that we are experiencing a similar phenomenon with big data. Dun & Bradstreet has been in the business of data for some time, and Hauck’s perspective and insight from his history with this company is revealed in the article, “How Big Data Will Separate Haves from Have-Nots.”

A few key forces are driving the consumption and analysis of big data. One discussed in the article is how it relates to customer service and efficiency.

In the interview, Hauck stated:

Big data will put the expectation of instantaneous feedback and reaction into hyper-drive. Those that embrace this change, and the velocity of it, will be the winners. ‘Amazon is the exception to the rule today, Hauck says, but we’re not far from companies being described as “slow” and “dumb” if they aren’t monitoring customers in real time. It’s going to separate the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots,’ much like…brick-and-mortar vs. Internet shops. Big data is going to create that kind of divide.’

When a company has near real-time data immediately available to analysts, customer service representatives and executives, there is no stopping the efficient and maybe even ground-breaking decisions they can make. Solutions such as Information at Work from PolySpot serve as a great example of the kind of information delivery technologies necessary for these insights.

Megan Feil, November 12, 2012

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