Search for Text Is Terrible. Now Search Has a New Challenge.
December 6, 2012
The question is, “Is search up for a new challenge?” I think of basic search like the high school athlete who was a star as a senior. In college, the person rode the bench. In the pros, the individual has an opportunity to attend a game.
In “Time Spent In Mobile Apps Is Starting To Challenge Television, Flurry Says”, the grim future of information retrieval becomes apparent. The article points out that fiddling with Web apps is getting into TV couch potato territory.
How does one find a TV show? I still watch folks channel flip. When I attend meetings with 20 somethings, the hook is a particular show regardless of format. Well, there is one format which is rarely mentioned—reading a book.
Search of text is not too slick. Now with the shift to digital media, can search make digital content findable? How about finding an app via iTunes? What about nailing down a new documentary? What about finding a video snippet displayed within an app on a mobile phone?
There is a growing need. Perhaps rich media search will work in a more useful manner than text search.
Stephen E Arnold, December 6, 2012
2 Responses to “Search for Text Is Terrible. Now Search Has a New Challenge.”
I think that Autonomy (Virage, Blinkx) and Exalead (Voxalead) are doing a good job.
RT @BeyondSearch: Search for Text Is Terrible. Now Search Has a New Challenge.: #search