Mobile Enterprise Traffic Needs a Reliable Knowledge Road Map

December 7, 2012

Big Data and mobile devices are having a profound impact on the way today’s businesses function. This increase in mobility over the past decade has brought about a major transition for the IT industry, and there is no question that the mobile revolution will continue into the future.

The Mobile Enterprise’s article “IT’s “Third Platform”: Mobile, Cloud, Social and Big Data” talks about how IT that remains stationary and refuses to embrace the mobile movement will end up becoming stagnant within the next year:

 “The IT industry as a whole is moving toward the mobile/social/cloud/big data world of the third platform much more quickly than many realize: from 2013 through 2020, these technologies will drive around 90% of all the growth in the IT market. Companies that are not putting 80% or more of their competitive energy into this new market will be trapped in the legacy portion of the market, growing even slower than global GDP. IDC expects predictive analytics will be a particular hot spot in the months to come.”

Mobile, cloud and social along with a grain or so of Big Data means an ever increasingly complex enterprise information environment. Companies wishing to keep up with the ‘enterprise mobility’ traffic will need a reliable knowledge road map. Working with solution providers like Intrafind that understand the full scope of enterprise information access needs can take a bit of the pain out of finding the right solutions.

Jennifer Shockley, December 7, 2012

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