BrainWare Combines Gaming and Cognitive Skill Development
January 4, 2013
With the holiday season fast approaching, many are looking to purchase video games to satisfy the need for fun for many on their list. However, coupling gaming and cognitive skill development, an offering by BrainWare Safari, is worth a look. The company received raving reviews recently in “Review: Fun Learning Tool Designed to Boost Cognitive Skills” on Blackline Review, which focused on the software program that combines neuroscience with video game technology to strengthen cognitive skills.
However, the importance of such technology goes far beyond just a fun gift or study helper. We learn:
“An improvement in cognitive skills expands the functionality of the human brain and prepares users to learn and excel in both the classroom and work environment. According to a white paper by Eric Hanushek, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University and an expert on educational policy: ‘We provide evidence that the robust association between cognitive skills and economic growth reflects a causal effect of cognitive skills…countries that improved their cognitive skills over time experienced relative increases in their growth paths.’”
The product received an overall rating of 8.2 from the recent review, including the highest ranking of 10 in the categories of Product/Service, Value Proposition, Market Size, Revenue Model, and Proof of Concept. We hope this product sets a precedent for including these types of skills in the learning process with an appeal to the gamer in all of us.
Andrea Hayden, January 04, 2013
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