PolySpot Connects Data from Multiple Apps Across the Enterprise
January 17, 2013
Now that more companies understand that big data is the ticket to big opportunity and big insights, the job descriptions of data scientists are becoming more than fleshed out on paper. People are being hired in this position and companies are hoping that articles like “Data Scientists Will Unlock Big Data’s Promise” from The Wall Street Journal’s CIO Report are correct.
After the requisite reflective move to take a step back and look at what data means today, as opposed to their article on big data last week, the article moves in to a discussion on a holistic approach that data scientists take because of the inherent interdisciplinary nature of their work.
The article then takes a holistic look at our usage of data analysis:
Over the past few centuries, we have significantly increased our understanding of the natural world around us by learning how to collect large amounts of data and by developing disciplined ways to study, analyze, model and make sense of all that data. We have similarly applied our scientific methods in the social sciences to enhance our understanding of societies and human behavior.
Where there is a will, there is a way. This is definitely the case with both the jobs of data scientists and also big data solutions that enables the real-time connectivity of information sourced in various apps across the enterprise. We saw PolySpot conquer the latter and we will see data scientists help further the efforts of these technologies.
Megan Feil, January 17, 2013
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