More Real Time BI Promises

February 5, 2013

Have we not heard this story before? Datamation reports that, “Real Time Is BI Right Time BI,” an article about real time intelligence being incorporated in businesses. While the technology does exist, companies are reluctant to adopt real time because of the cost and the complexity associated with it. Technology has changed, as have consumers’ requirements. Real time solutions have become a desired if not necessary BII solution, as found in a series of surveys (though it is not mentioned who conducted it).

We can assume this company issues the surveys:

“Tony Cosentino, VP & Research Director of Ventana Research, noted that the survey found even stronger interest in implementing real time BI/analytics in the next two years via complex event processing.”

But the main question that keeps popping up is: what exactly is real time intelligence?

“’There is still a lot of confusion over what right time and real time really are,’ noted Cosentino. ‘When we talk about real-time transaction processing, with data streaming into mobile devices right from transaction systems, rules-based analytics trigger actions. This complex event process is like when a car crashes and the air bags deploy. These rule-based systems are different than the complex algorithms that may be at work behind the scenes.’ In addition to the immediate reaction to an event, Cosentino and others warn IT that everybody expects everything right away. “If someone waits more than two seconds for something to appear on their screen, they will jump to another screen,’ Cosentino added.”

Throw in people’s constant ned for immediate access to everything and analytics and the IT departments have a lot of work cut out for them. Will real time finally deployed? Maybe now more than ever, but we will have to see…again.

Whitney Grace, February 05, 2013

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