Sinequa Highlighted by Yandex

February 22, 2013

I noticed this morning that Sinequa, a vendor which provides a unified information access solution has been moved to the top of the Yandex results list. I was poking around the Yandex system to see how the Google challenger was handling some European analytics, content processing, business intelligence, and search vendors.


On a previous test, Yandex displayed a link to a site offering translations of Latin phrases. (Sinequa, as you may recall from your school days, can be translated as “an essential component or element.” I had one Latin teacher suggest that sinequa indicated “none higher.” Yet another of the specialists who with whom I studied boiled the connotation down to “excellence.”)

CrunchBase describes the company this way:

Sinequa helps companies and organizations to cope with the data explosion and enterprise transformation. Sinequa’s unique value proposition is to provide an out-of-the-box enterprise search solution leveraging all enterprise content, resulting in significant savings for large organizations. Sinequa’s customers are some of the most innovative companies in the world including Siemens, Mercer, EADS, Saint-Gobain,, Bouygues, SFR, Atos Origin, Loreal, LCF Rothschild, Credit Agricole, the French Ministry of Defense, Groupe Figaro.

You can obtain more information about the company at As an aside, I find the Yandex results increasingly useful. Check the system out at

Stephen E Arnold, February 22, 2013


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