InetSoft Releases a New Version of Its BI Software

March 4, 2013

Business intelligence and analytics outfit InetSoft has released the latest version of its BI suite, Style Intelligence, we learn from “InetSoft Releases Style Intelligence 11.4” at the Technology Evaluation Centers’ blog. With this iteration, the company aims to ramp up support for both collaborative and self-service features. The write-up tells us:

“Some new key features include the ability to include annotations, which allow users  to write comments on any dashboard and share them with team members, as well as bookmarks, which allow users to save the settings of a particular view, enabling users to get back to a certain pre-configured visualization to review or share with others.

“On the search side, Style Intelligence has been enhanced with features that allow users to perform search across report metadata to ease their discovery process.”

Writer Jorge Garcia notes that the platform’s data mashup features, combined with the communication tools mentioned above, make for easier collaboration and information-sharing.

Launched in 1996, InetSoft makes its home in Piscataway, New Jersey. The company deploys its business intelligence software to enterprises large and small, across industries, worldwide. Their focus on pleasing and interactive dashboards helps organizations ensure their end users make the most of their software investment.

Cynthia Murrell, March 04, 2013

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