InetSoft Adds More Features

March 10, 2013

What’s the optimal way to enhance business intelligence software? InetSoft’s Style Intelligence provides an answer. The company rolled out collaborative business intelligence. The marketing catchphrase means annotations, shared bookmarks, and search.

Search? Yes, InetSoft is emerging as a vendor of enterprise search BI style. The question which I had is, “Wasn’t business intelligence a search operation before?” The difference between some of the visions of search experts at defunct companies like Convera and Entopia was to answer a user’s questions.

Have vendors come full circle? Are content processing and analytics companies returning to their roots? InetSoft was founded in 1996.

Stephen E Arnold, March 10, 2013


One Response to “InetSoft Adds More Features”

  1. CetasAnalytics on March 10th, 2013 10:39 am

    InetSoft Adds More Features: What’s the optimal way to enhance business intelligence software? InetSoft’s Styl…

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