Does Google Learn Lessons?

March 17, 2013

I read an impassioned article called “Google Is about to Learn a Tough Lesson.” I beg to differ. the author asserts:

Google made a big mistake cancelling Google Reader that will have severe ripple effects to its empire.

Then I learn about “three self inflicted wounds.” This is the 21st century equivalent of shooting oneself in the foot I think. First, Google does not get social. Okay, I buy that. Google is into me-too in the hopes of making money. I don’t think Google is a particularly fun company. Second, Google takes act ions which harms its products. My view is that I am not sure the “now” Google is worried about much more than keeping revenues up. Third, Google will kill what it wants. Big surprise? Not to me.

The point of the write up is that a commercial enterprise trying to avoid deterioration of its core online advertising business as online access shifts from the comfortable world of the desktop browser to wild, crazy mobile access is going to take steps to make money.

A feedreader is simply one example of Google’s efforts to tame its controlled chaos approach to management, find ways to reduce costs, and produce a profit which keeps the Google chugging along.

Big thoughts about philosophy? Maybe. But the focus is on avoiding a flat line in revenue and controlling the costs of doing the “all” type of service which is being marginalized.

Stephen E Arnold, March 17, 2013


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