SLI Steps up to Fill Google Commerce Gap

March 19, 2013

Google Commerce has opened a wide gap in the online market since it pulled up its stakes and left town. While this has some worried, we think it’s going to make for an interesting frontier. In fact, it is already getting that way as we discovered from a recent Virtual Strategy story, “SLI Systems Offers and Easy Migration Path for Retailers Using Google Commerce Search to SLI’s Full Service Learning Center.”

According to the story:

SLI Systems ( today announced that it is offering special terms for its full-service site search solution for retail and eCommerce sites currently using Google Commerce Search, which Google recently announced will be discontinued. To help companies continue to offer uninterrupted site search capabilities, SLI is giving them a fast, simple way to implement its industry-leading Learning Search solution, a highly robust and customizable site search that is shown to increase conversions and improve the online experience on retail sites like Jelly Belly, ULTA, Vermont Teddy Bear, and hundreds more.”

Let the games begin. In the aftermath of Google Commerce’s disappearance, we have read a few stories like this. The marketplace is wide open for companies like SLI and EasyTask who have begun making attempts to shepherd in wayward users of Google’s. We think the winner will be the company with the best customer service. Who that will be is anyone’s guess right now.

Patrick Roland , March 19, 2013

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