Beyond Search Twitter Saga

March 20, 2013

Just a quick update. First, don’t call me and say, “Beyond Search is distributing bad stuff.” We are not  and we have been working with Twitter, including its head of search, to get this problem resolved. So far no luck. There is little I can do because the script kiddies have changed various Twitter data elements so Twitter does not know that Beyond Search is a service which comments about search and retrieval, not pop stars’ indiscretions. We have in place an alternate newsfeed, and we will be announcing it in the next few days. In the meantime, make a note: “The 69 year old operator of Beyond Search is not interested in rock and roll, stolen software, and other topics which make 13 years olds salivate.” Twitter is a free service and I, like anyone else, run a risk when using it. If you don’t want to see what the pirates are pumping out, kill the follow and get the posts on Facebook or LinkedIn. Better yet, read the blog.

Stephen E Arnold, March 20, 2013


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