Open Source Security Issues Emerge Again

March 20, 2013

When discussing software that essentially powers an entire organization, security should always be a concern. Many tout open source for being a powerful answer to many of the security issues (mainly viruses) that target proprietary solutions. However, with a recent scare, some give reasons to be caution about open source software security also. Read more in the TechWorld article, “Security of Open-source Software Again Being Scrutinised.”

The article begins:

“A recent round of flaws discovered in open-source software has reignited concerns that security is getting bypassed in the rush to continue expanding the large and extremely popular code base used by millions. For instance, although the Java-based Spring Framework was criticised by security researchers in January as having a major flaw that allowed remote-code execution by attackers against applications built with it, the updates to Spring this week don’t address this security problem.”

For many organizations, the answer to security concerns is to choose a value-added solution that is built on open source technology. In this way, users get the flexibility and affordability of cutting-edge open source technology. However, they also get the customer support, security updates, and training that goes along with a trusted name in the industry. Take LucidWorks for example, their support and training is unparallel.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 20, 2013

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