Roadmap to the Future

March 22, 2013

The Oracle E-Business Suite has seen a lot of changes since its emergence in 2004 and the new 12.1 version promises to give users more of what they need. The YouTube video “Oracle E-Business Suite: Strategy and Roadmap” narrated by Cliff Godwin the Senior Vice President of Applications and Development for Oracle talks about the new features of the Oracle E-Business Suite. According to the You Tube website

“Oracle E-Business Suite is the most comprehensive suite of integrated, global business applications that enable organizations to make better decisions, reduce costs, and increase performance.”

With the new version the Oracle brand promises to continue improving the E-business suite and enhance and build new applications. In the video Godwin pointed out the list of applications that are currently available. The E-business Suite provides an extensive list of applications and 12.1 users will have access to all of these applications. The new 12.1 version also promises better service support and information driven navigation.

The updated technology also includes new features for the Oracle Endeca platform. Oracle Endeca allows companies to make sure their clients get a personalized and consistent customer buying experience across a variety of channels including online, mobile and in-store. Oracle E-business Suite extensions for Oracle Endeca is a solution that gives users the ability to quickly find all of the information they need to be able to respond to real-time opportunities. Though this video is probably designed to be a marketing technique to get older users to update to the new 12.1 version Godwin definitely highlights the attractive features that the new version has to offer and they are quite impressive. Seems like 12.1 might be the roadmap to the future for Oracle E-Business Suite users.

April Holmes, March 22, 2012

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