Taming Unstructured Information

March 25, 2013

Right now, as you read this, your company’s data are piling up. Scarier yet, most don’t have a way to structure all that precious information, so it goes to waste. Thankfully, clarity is on the way as we found in a recent Paradigma Labs story, “Unstructured Information Extraction: A Sample Case with a Unitex-Manager.”

The article lays out the problem:

There is a lot of information in today’s companies flowing from one computer to another like e-mails, documents, many kinds of files and, of course, the webs the employees surf through. These electronic documents probably contain part of the core knowledge of the company or, at least, very useful information which besides of being easily readable by humans is unstructured and impossible to be processes automatically using computers. The amount of unstructured information in enterprises is around 80% [1] to 85% [2] nowadays, and such a situation is a disadvantage…

This has been an elephant in the room for many preparing to start squeezing help from their data. Unstructured data can derail good intentions by making it impossible to sort out. Thankfully, there are companies with experience in structuring the unstructured and then forming useful analytic insights from this info. One of our favorites is the international firm, Sinequa who boast an incredible two-plus decades in the business.

Patrick Roland, March 25, 2013

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