How To Formulate A Strategy For Social Media Marketing That Works

May 9, 2013

In the article 5 Questions to Ask Before Implementing a Social Media Strategy on Social Media Today, guidelines are presented for pursuing a new social media strategy. These include defining your goals (short term and long term) discovering whether these goals can be accomplished with one strategy or several, creating a step by step outline determining what you will do every day to reach your goals, asking yourself throughout the process whether your strategy needs adjusting, and having a workable timelines in place. The article explains,

“Everyone’s strategy development is different, but the overarching themes can be applicable to all. Oh yeah, and strategy (since I see it everywhere and no real description attached) is the high level plan(s) that’s built to achieve certain, pre-determined goals. Tactics are the executional steps that help achieve the overarching goals of the strategy… There needs to a be a concise list of short term, immediate goals you want to knock out”

One aspect of this guide that the article dwells on is the value of recognizing the difference between what you want to have happen and what is actually possible in reality. In other words- know thyself. Don’t get distracted by the complexities of a big project, make detailed plans and stay organized to keep disciplined. This summary is expanded on with more details at ArnoldIT, where the confusing new world of social media is elucidated.

Chelsea Kerwin, May 09, 2013

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