Valley Auto Loans: A Successful Story of Social Media Marketing

May 9, 2013

A press release on Digital Press titled New Social Media Strategy Help Valley Auto Loans Connect with More Bad Credit Auto Loans Shoppers throughout the Country speaks to the rising popularity of social media marketing. Valley Auto Loans, a well-known company that provides applicants with “hassle-free car loans” has adopted a new marketing strategy aimed at the people most likely in need of their services. Social media marketing techniques are explored in the article,

“All companies are now looking to build a strong social media presence for their business. Valley Auto Loans has built their strategy around the highly popular platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, and Pinterest…Valley Auto Loans operates with an objective of offering 100% approval guarantee to poor credit car loan applicants. By building a strong social media presence, they have done well to get the word out to those people who need them the most.”

Valley Auto Loans credit their recently implemented social media strategy with a recent surge in bad credit auto loans applicants. Realizing that it may be awkward for some of their customers who cannot qualify for a car loan or student auto loans, Valley Auto Loans attempts to provide such individuals with a speedy solution through auto lenders. Reaching out via social media got their message to frustrated people running out of options. For more information on the techniques of social media and tactical implementation, visit ArnoldIT. We explain some of the types of social media and differentiate between their uses and values.

Chelsea Kerwin, May 09, 2013

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