LucidWorks to Participate in OSCON

May 22, 2013

OSCON, the Open Source Convention, will take place in Portland, Oregon in July. Themes of the conference include not just innovation and the exchange of ideas, but also how open source can give back to the community and support upcoming developers. This year, LucidWorks will support the conference. Read more on the LucidWorks Events page.

The event overview begins:

“OSCON is the best place on the planet to prepare for what comes next, from learning new skills to understanding how new and emerging open source technologies are going to impact how we live, work, and do business. In keeping with its O’Reilly heritage, OSCON is a unique gathering of all things open source, where participants find inspiration, confront new challenges, share their expertise, renew bonds to community, make significant connections, and find ways to give back to the open source movement. Erik Hatcher from LucidWorks will be presenting at the event.”

Stay tuned for more details about what Hatcher will present in his Solr Quick Start session. Attendees can expect information regarding installing and running Solr, indexing data, configuring schema, tuning and scaling, and more. LucidWorks offers some of the best value-added open source software with its LucidWorks Search and LucidWorks Big Data offerings. Perhaps more importantly, LucidWorks has a long track record of investing in open source development, training, and support, including employing one-quarter of the committers on the Apache Lucene/Solr project.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 22, 2013

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