Copy Machine to Grades Papers

May 24, 2013

Copy machines seem slightly outdated as they evoke images of futile technology a la Office Space. But Popular Science represents the antithesis of this and so does the new photocopier discussed in “New Software Teaches Photocopiers How To Grade Papers.” Automated grading machines for multiple choice exams have been around for decades but this takes it to a new level where handwritten answers can be graded by this new Xerox machine.

The software, called Ignite, would keep track of which students are doing poorly and on which questions. At a glance teachers will be able to see who’s struggling and with what concepts.

According to the article:

“The software, called Ignite, needs some pointers first. Teachers enter in the test and an answer key, which Ignite uses not only to figure out which answers are right but also to know where on the page to look for handwritten answers. Teachers also need to tell the software what concepts each question covers. Fourth-graders at one school in Rochester, New York, that has tested the software were impressed. Their teacher, Pat McDonald, named their machine Ziggy and told the Democrat and Chronicle that the kids have written poems about Ziggy.”

We thought IBM’s Watson was fascinating. This steals it’s thunder. The practical application and positive impact this could have on education is enormous.

Megan Feil, May 24, 2013

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