Quote to Note: Digital Versus Paper

June 1, 2013

The Week section of the Wall Street Journal presents information which is amusing and up to the highest standards of journalistic accuracy. In the short piece “Paper, the Technological Tiger?” the juxtaposition of dead trees, endangered animals, and technology caught my attention. (A link to the digital version of the story is here, but it may be gone in a sort of self fulfilling and self documenting bit of newsiness.) Tucked into the write up which appeared on page C4 of the June 1, 2013, edition of the newspaper was this quote:

Paper documents can last hundreds of years, after all, but there’s still no proven way to preserve digital data beyond a few decades. The new research suggests that someday paper may become so smart that it won’t need any words at all.

What happened to the tiger? The Library of Congress is working on saving tweets. Isn’t that a promising sign?

Stephen E Arnold, June 1, 2013


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