Dataversity Interviews TopQuadrant

June 3, 2013

After a quiet period, TopQuadrant is back in the news. A representative of the semantic technology firm spoke with Dataversity, which shares the interview in its “Sponsor Spotlight Column: TopQuadrant on Information Solutions.” The discussion focuses on TopQuadrant’s place in the industry and their current endeavors.

Of particular interest to Dataversity were solutions highlighted at the recent Enterprise Data World Conference (EDW), of which TopQuadrant was a Silver Sponsor. The interview is a good read for anyone interested in TopQuadrant, including discussion of the company’s strengths and perspectives as well as its products. When asked to predict the “next big thing,” the company answered:

“In the context of Data Management, it means much easier unified access to data. Workers today are not only more technology savvy, but they also have high expectations about what they should easily be able to do with data. These expectations are brought on by the prevalence of search engines like Google, collaborative information sharing applications such as Facebook and Flickr, easy-to-use mashup and visualization applications. Workers no longer accept that access to another enterprise data source will require months of development. They want faster access, more intimacy with the data and better ability to collaborate with colleagues on analyzing the data and on defining its meaning.”

So they do. Established in 2001, TopQuadrant recognizes the need to stay ahead by keeping on top of emerging technologies. The company serves clients in Europe and the U.S. from offices in Virginia, North Carolina, and the U.K.

Cynthia Murrell, June 03, 2013

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