LucidWorks to Attend OSCON

June 3, 2013

LucidWorks has always had a commitment to the open source developer community, but they are truly stepping it up this spring and summer as they make the rounds in conference season. They have sponsored and attended many world-class events. Next on their plate is OSCON.

Read the conference teaser:

“OSCON is the best place on the planet to prepare for what comes next, from learning new skills to understanding how new and emerging open source technologies are going to impact how we live, work, and do business. In keeping with its O’Reilly heritage, OSCON is a unique gathering of all things open source, where participants find inspiration, confront new challenges, share their expertise, renew bonds to community, make significant connections, and find ways to give back to the open source movement.”

Why does LucidWorks continue to make these kinds of investments in the developer community? Because their value-added software depends on a scalable, creative, and vibrant community that continually improves their open source foundation. Apache Lucene and Solr are the framework for the LucidWorks products and their support and services are strengthened with every new innovation that comes out of the developer community.

Emily Rae Aldridge, June 3, 2013

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