LinkedIn is Not Linked In to the Changing Times

June 5, 2013

Benedict Evans talks social network for professional connections service, LinkedIn in a recent posting on LinkedIn. The service recently bought an iPad news aggregator. You can use it as a publishing platform and it also makes money by selling resumes to recruiters.

However, this post discusses what the author finds challenging and disappointing about using LinkedIn. There are no network preferences that would enable privacy features a la Google+ Circles and furthermore there is no list available of contacts that have changed jobs recently.

The article continues:

“Now, I entirely understand that the LinkedIn business model is to sell my CV to recruiters, not give me useful tools to manage my network. I also understand that all the mediocre me-too news-aggregation is a way to try to get me to spend more time on the site, rather than visiting every month or two. But really, it needs to get the basics right. It needs to give me useful tools. Right now it’s a not-very-good CV database with an interface that would be second-rate a decade ago, that I have no reason to stick with if something remotely, you know, useful came along.”

LinkedIn is most commonly used as a marketing and job hunting service. Functionality and user-friendly features might not be something to expect from such a service.

Megan Feil, June 05, 2013

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One Response to “LinkedIn is Not Linked In to the Changing Times”

  1. 6 Reasons to Marketing on LinkedIn on June 5th, 2013 4:18 pm

    […] LinkedIn is Not Linked In to the Changing Times […]

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